Good bread does not need many ingredients.
Do you often wonder when you see the vast range of ingredients on the back side of supermarket bread?
Old traditional recipes and the experience that Meinolf has gained as a baker in 40 years guarantees the highest quality.
The secret of quality is to allow the dough to have more time for fermentation.
Our rye sourdough is made fresh daily in store.
Good bread needs: Flour, sourdough, water, salt and a little bit of fresh yeast. Combined with slow baking, to get the real taste & aromatic flavour of German bread - the true best bread in the world. Don't just trust our word, try it for yourself.

Who are We?
Diehl's Bakery is bringing traditional German rye sourdough baking to NZ. We offer a wide range of hand-made sourdough breads, as well as sweet and savoury snacks you won't want to miss out on. We might be biased, but it's no secret we also offer the best German Brezel in Auckland. So whether you are a European wanting a taste of home or in search of awesome German bread, we're here for you.

Find Us
65 Hillside Rd
Glenfield, Auckland, 0627
New Zealand
Wednesday - Friday
7am - 3pm
7am - 1pm
Phone: 09 443 7992

Meinolf Kraeling
Master Baker
Meinolf grew up in a baking family and was only 16 years old he start working as a baker. At 1986, he had earned the title of master baker and would go on to take over the family business which he ran successfully for 25 years. In 2013 he and his brother Werner Kräling, a well-known author in the baking industry, wrote a book together which went on to win critical aclaim. In 2014, Meinolf and his wife came to NewZealand after falling in love with the country on a holiday a few years earlier. In 2017, Meinolf took over Diehl's Bakery on the North shore and has taken great pride to add to and improve the bakery's exisiting range. His lives and bakes by his slogan: Baking with knowledge, experience and passion every day, to get the highest quality.
Pastry chef and
Sales manager
Susan is a member of our baker team and is originally from Indonesia, in 2015 she comes to New Zealand with her family. She gained experience in the catering industry in 5-star hotels. Susan has a natural talent and passion for baking. She is a multi-talented person, perfect in organizing, and our customers love her friendly service. Her specialities are baking cheesecake and cheese sticks - you should definitely try them!
She joined us from the beginning of 2017.
Tommy has been working at Diehl’s Bakery since 2011. He is originally from Korea and has lived in New Zealand many years with his family. Baking bread and Brezel is his speciality, and he takes great pride to do this to the highest quality.
Diehl’s Bakery
Call 09 443 7992 OR email
you could place also an order with a call Tuesday, 9am - 2pm
for your Bread and Brezel
Opening days
Wednesday - Friday, 7am - 3pm
Saturday 7am - 1pm
Our online shop is not active.
Please order by email or call